As most of us know Lab dogs LOVE the water and Charlie is no exception. It's not odd to see a little black head peep into the shower to try and catch a few drops of water. For the past couple mornings Kyle has been parking his car at our apartment and I take him to work so that he can run on his lunch break to our apartment. Today he let Charlie out to go to the bathroom and then lets Charlie run around while he showers. I let Kyle know that Charlie likes to stick his head into the shower but not to worry that is all he does. Not this time. Charlie decided to join him and took a big jump and in he went and man was he in heaven!!!
I told Kyle that Brian and I had actually been talking the night before that Charlie needed a bath and I was so excited that it got done today!
This is mine and Kyles converstation about the situation today.
me: how long did he stay in there with you?
Kyle: well he snuck in and i tried to kick him out and he was just being deadweight so then when i got him out i realized he was going to be all wet running around the house so i made him come back in till i was done. So pretty much the entire time, but he did run around the apartment before i could dry him off once
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