Saturday, September 4, 2010


Bedtime has always been cool to me.

I go to bed early.

Always have, always will.

I would assume when I was 4 or 5 ( whatever age you are when bedtime is not cool) I was in bed 10 minutes before that time. It didn't bother me that I shared a bedroom with my two sisters. They were exact opposite of me. I was tucked in my twin bed, all lights on, my sisters either watching tv, on the phone, or computer. Didn't matter. It was bedtime. Ahhhh, one of my favorite times.

One of the topics of discussion at the fish fry tonight was bedtime. Of course I am proud of my 8-10 hours of sleep a night. So of course I shout out, "I'm in bed by 8-8:30 pm every least on work nights." I guess that isn't normal? Then I get asked how much I work and what time I wake up. " I get up between 6:30-6:40 am. Technically, I'm only required to work 6 hours a week Mon/Wed/Fri. I normally stay till about 1pm everyday." I purposely left out that 3pm is my nap time. I mean gosh, it's not necessary for them to know my daily routine ... come home, eat lunch, crime TV, nap, dinner. It's a rough life I live... I know. :) I LOVE it and am forever grateful. Without a doubt, I'm sure I impressed everyone with my ability to get great sleep. Or they think I'm just a loser. Either way, I don't care. I am going to enjoy it as long as it last.


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