Thursday, November 13, 2008

Working out

Well it's official I have put on some weight--Abby told me so. I am back to working out consistently like I used too and figures crossed I will be able to lose some of this weight I have put on. It's crazy to think that all day long I encourage people to lose weight by eating healthy and getting exercise into their daily activity, while at the same time keep them staying motivated. But for some reason I can not do that myself. I think I need a weight management coach to coach me. I was discussing with Brian today that I needed to increase my cardio workout to at least 45 minutes 4-5 days a week. He insist that, that is an awful idea. I only need to do that maybe once a week according to him. About 95% of the time I will take Brian's advice, but when it comes to exercise...NOWAY!!!! So, I plan on keeping everyone posted on my status of how my ups and downs go throughout this weight loss phase.

...Brian bought a king size snickers today and claimed he bought it for me. I don't think I have ever bought a candy bar for myself. haha! See what I have to work with!!!!

Maybe I can get him to jump on the band wagon.

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