Thursday, July 24, 2008

A few things.

I wanted to share a photo with you that I took today. It's not the best photo because I took it with my phone. Today was my last day of swim lessons. I enjoyed teaching swim lessons, but I'm glad they are over. Two straight hours of 3-5 year olds splashing, kicking, screaming and parents watching your every move is not always so much fun. The two in the picture are brother and sister, Isabella and Thomas. Isabella is 9 refused to be in the class that she was supposed to be in because a boy taught it. So, I took her into my class. I became very close to these two and I will really miss them! They are currently going through some difficult times and are being taken care of by their grandparents. There dad is still in the picture, but travels a lot for his job.

Also a few things about my life in Oklahoma:

1.Everyone fights for the few parking spots under the one tree.

2. We have a heat advisory until Saturday night. We have had 100 plus degree weather ALL week.

3. Since it's to hot to go outside, I have found another TV series to watch Weeds! It's great!

4. I just got my wedding book in the mail today.

5. Thank god for Netflix.

6. Brian and I started a training program that Greg developed for us. The first week went great, but Brian managed to get a massive blood blister on the inside of his arch and has had to take the week off. Hopefully next week we can get back on track!

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