Tuesday, July 29, 2008


For all of you who know Brian, you know his love for fashion. And not good fashion, I'm sure Brian would beg to differ. Before we came down to OKC Brian had me purchase a pair of white slip ons from Wal-Mart. Kyle, the bad influencer (I think I made this word up), was wearing a pair of these shoes. He insisted that he have a pair. Anyways, he could not wait to show Lehne his new shoes because he knew she would "love them". Of course when Lehne saw them she was disgusted just like any other normal person would be. All Brian could talk about were his white shoes. He wore them every where and he wore them with black dress socks. Now to me, it's just normal. I give him my look of disapproval and go on. It's just like the mullet. It's Brian and he's going to do it no matter what I think. It wasn't until one night that Lehne and I stayed up talking and Brian went on to bed that we noticed he had left his white shoes in the living room. We decided that we should hide them and see how long it would take him to figure out where they were. Since he loved them and all, we thought it wouldn't be that long. So, almost two months later...he figures out that he can't find them.

This proved a point for Lehne and I. And that point being that he was all talk. Obviously he did not love these shoes as much as he let on because if he had then he would have noticed them a long time ago.

This gives me great ideas for some other personal items of Brian's! I will keep you updated!


Greg said...

I'm not even sure that I knew my brother had these shoes, but I must say that they're quite awesome.

Brian, I approve.

Amanda, how could you?

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I am so proud of us for pulling this off!! Love it!
